Proportioning & By-Passenger Valve Assembly

About this product

The Proportioning & By-Passenger Valve Assembly (#47190-60050) is a key component in the Brake Tube & Clamp system of Toyota vehicles. This Drive-Chassis part regulates the pressure between the front and rear brakes during operation, ensuring a balanced distribution of braking force. Its effectiveness is vital for safe and efficient vehicle performance. Over time, wear and tear may cause this part to perform less optimally, potentially causing uneven brake wear or even failure. Replacing an old or clogged Proportioning & By-Passenger Valve Assembly (#47190-60050) is necessary to maintain the safety and performance of your vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts aids in compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Proportioning & By-Passenger Valve Assembly (#47190-60050) contributes significantly to the safety and operational efficiency of your Toyota vehicle's braking system.