Tilt Steering Support Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Tilt Steering Support Sub-Assembly (#45805-60010) is a crucial Drive-Chassis component in the Steering Column & Shaft system of your Toyota vehicle. This assembly plays a key role in enabling the adjustable tilt mechanism in the steering column, thereby allowing the driver to adjust it to a comfortable and safe driving position. As time passes, it is important to replace this assembly when wear and tear occur to prevent steering issues that could impact safe vehicle operation. Failure to replace worn-out parts may lead to a non-operational or stiff tilt steering, further leading to uncomfortable or risky driving conditions. Genuine Toyota parts provide compatibility with your vehicle, and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Tilt Steering Support Sub-Assembly (#45805-60010), when maintained, contributes significantly to the overall safety and driving comfort of your Toyota vehicle.