Hole Snap Ring

About this product

The Hole Snap Ring (#90521-55004), a critical component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Automatic Transmission) and the Drive-Chassis Transfer Gear systems, plays a crucial role in securing other components within these systems. This auto part, a genuine Toyota product, confirms compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Functionally, the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-55004) creates a secure connection by fitting into a groove on a shaft to lock other components in place, preventing them from sliding off. It's a small part with a significant role. Like any other moving part, it’s subject to wear and tear, hence the need for periodic replacement. A malfunctioning Hole Snap Ring (#90521-55004) can cause operational problems in the transmission or gear system, impacting vehicle performance. By ensuring the stability and smooth operation of connected parts, the Hole Snap Ring (#90521-55004) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.