Gasket-Spark Pl Pip

About this product

The Gasket-Spark Pl Pip (#SU003-11034), a key auto part in Toyota's Engine-Fuel category, serves a critical role within the Cylinder Head system. Primarily, it seals the combustion process, preventing any leaks while sustaining high temperatures and pressures. Its perfect fit and compatibility with the vehicle is assured by using genuine Toyota parts. Over time, the Gasket-Spark Pl Pip (#SU003-11034) can degrade, become clogged, or even break. If these issues aren't addressed promptly, the cylinder head system's performance could be compromised, leading to potential engine damage. Thus, periodic replacement is crucial. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, using genuine parts fortifies the overall efficiency and safety of the system. A well-functioning Gasket-Spark Pl Pip (#SU003-11034) maximizes engine performance and longevity, ensuring a smooth, safe ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-00100;SU003-06775
Part Number SU003-11034

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