Steering Wheel Cover Sub-Assembly

About this product

In the realm of Toyota Autoparts, the Steering Wheel Cover Sub-Assembly (#45180-28030-06) is a critical component in both the Drive-Chassis Steering Wheel system and the Interior Styling Steering Wheel system. This component is primarily responsible for protecting the steering wheel and enhancing the driver’s grip, which directly impacts the vehicle's handling and user comfort. The sub-assembly is a collection of components that typically include the steering wheel cover itself, designed to fit perfectly onto the steering wheel and genuine Toyota parts are suggested for optimum vehicle compatibility. The role of the Steering Wheel Cover Sub-Assembly (#45180-28030-06) is prominent, and over time, the cover can wear out or become damaged, thereby compromising the driver's grip and control over the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary to maintain the safety and smooth operation of the vehicle. Toyota's genuine parts come with a warranty, offering peace of mind and assurance of quality. This part contributes significantly to overall safety and driving comfort, making it a vital component in any Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45180-28030-06
Color Name Tan

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