Wire Harness Bracket

About this product

The Wire Harness Bracket (#45816-60030), a Drive-Chassis part within the steering wheel system of your Toyota, plays a crucial role in the safety and functionality of your ride. This component serves as the physical support for the wiring harness, holding it securely in place, preventing vibration-induced wear, and protecting it from sharp edges and abrasive surfaces in your vehicle's undercarriage. Genuine Toyota parts like the Wire Harness Bracket (#45816-60030) are critical for vehicle compatibility. They're designed for an exact fit and meet Toyota's stringent quality standards. They are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Wire Harness Bracket (#45816-60030), being a mechanical part, will age and degrade over time. When this occurs, the wires it's designed to protect could potentially chafe against the vehicle's components, resulting in electrical failures. Hence, regular examination and replacement of this part is essential for optimal operation and safety. Ultimately, the Wire Harness Bracket (#45816-60030) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle by ensuring the integrity of your vehicle’s electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 45816-60030

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